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Where were you 15 years ago?

Together We Grow

Back in 2004, where were you living and what were you doing? Who had yet to be born in your family? What was worrying you? What was making you happy?

Dr. Ronald Wachtel remembers exactly what he was doing 15 years ago. He was fresh off the boat and loving his new life in Israel. And yet, everywhere he turned, he saw families who were beside themselves with worry about their teenagers, and who couldn’t seem to get the help they needed.

Dr. Wachtel felt compelled to act. He opened Kav L’Noar for those families, to provide them with the intervention and support that they so desperately needed. Very quickly, thanks to the help of generous friends, the agency expanded. Kav L’Noar was able to treat more families, match more youth with mentors, and provide education on mental health issues for the wider community.

15 years on..

15 years on, and we feel deeply privileged to be in a position where, with your support, we are continuing to help build a generation, one brighter future at a time.

It is thanks to your generosity that young people are graduating from high school, IDF soldiers are becoming fit to serve, weddings are being made. Every day, young people and their families are learning to connect again, thanks to friends like you.

Thank you for all your help, interest and support. We are looking forward to sharing our exciting plans for the future. Together we’re going to continue building a healthier, stronger society, over the next 15 years and beyond.

Please join us in this effort by making a donation today to improve mental health in Israel, one adolescent at a time.

Wishing you and your loved ones a sweet, healthy and happy new year.

The staff, mentors and families of Kav L’Noar.[/vc_column_text][vc_cta h2=”” txt_align=”center” style=”3d” color=”pink”]

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