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Kav L’Noar in the News


What’s the latest News at Kav L’Noar?

CEO Dani Yemini marked Internatio

nal Mentoring Day with a passionate plea in the Jerusalem Post to give  greater recognition to mentoring.  Dani discusses mentoring as a powerful and effective tool to assist our youth in Israel to attain their potential.

preventing sexual abuse through mentoring

With sexual abuse and harassment scandals hitting the news headlines around the globe, the Jerusalem Post was especially interested in the power of the Kav L’Noar mentoring program to prevent sexual abuse. The Times of Israel published an op-ed by our Mentoring Supervisor Sima Gordon on the same subject.

The big news  story this spring was the Eight rabbis that flew over to run with Team Kav L’Noar in the Jerusalem Marathon. The Jewish Exponent,  The Jewish Press the Jewish Link NJ, Jewish Voices NJ, the Jewish News Syndicate and Ynet (in Hebrew) all ran pieces on this amazing achievement.  Nachum Segal’s JM in the AM radio show even featured an exclusive interview with running Rabbi Dovid Kupchik.

rabbis can run

Of course, out of the headlines and behind closed doors at Kav L’Noar is where the most incredible story of all continues to run, day in, day out- troubled families are working to transform their lives for the better.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_facebook][vc_tweetmeme][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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