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FAQ Kav L’Noar’s Prevention and Crisis Intervention Programs

FAQ : Kav L’Noar’s Prevention and Crisis Intervention Programs in Israel

  1. What is meant by Youth at Risk?

” The National Program identified children and youth at risk as those who live in situations that undermine their rights in 7 life situations: physical existence (health and development); family related issues; education and the acquisition of skills; well-being and emotional health; social integration and belonging; protection from others; and protection from risk behaviors.”

To simplify, a child at risk is one who will potentially struggle and/or fall behind in at least one area of his/her life unless there is intervention.  Usually children fall behind in several areas at the same time.

  1. How does Kav L’Noar make a difference for children identified as at risk in Israel?

Early Intervention and Prevention: Kav L’Noar believes in addressing an issue before it becomes a major problem by providing youth and their families with the tools and techniques that they will need for success. It is both easier and more effective to deal with most problems before they become extreme.  However, we don’t always know there is an issue until the family or child is in crisis.  In either situation, Kav L’Noar works with both the youth and the families to strengthen family bonds and build resilience by helping them manage the current difficulty and avoid similar issues in the future.

  1. What types of issues does Kav L’Noar deal with?

Kav L’Noar helps with an array of challenges faced by youth and families today. These may include breakdown in communication among family members, such as sibling rivalry, marital discord and child-parent conflicts. They may also include problems common in today’s world such as setting limits, behavioral problems and abuse. Kav L’Noar is especially sensitive to school issues such as bullying, social skills deficit and adjustment issues related to Aliyah. Kav L’Noar works with youth and families experiencing emotional problems such as depression and anxiety and helps them cope with the effects of mental illness.

  1. What are we preventing?

Our goal is to prevent individuals and families from developing destructive behavioral patterns and consequent emotional distress.    Our goal is to help families find a way to maintain normal relations in a manner that is beneficial and supportive for everyone.

  1. What are we achieving?

We do outcome studies on all of our programs to ascertain if we are making a difference.  We are happy to report that we can document improvements in functioning for 90% of the clients who have at least 4 sessions of counselling with us.  Our mentoring programs are equally as effective.

  1. How does therapy work?

Therapy is a joint effort between the client(s) and the therapist to identify problems, set goals, overcome obstacles and move forward in a healthy manner.  This is done through developing a nurturing relationship that allows the client(s) to feel safe, to express feelings and to be open about their inner world and aspirations.

  1. How is a psychiatrist different than a professional counselor?

A professional counselor or therapist employed by Kav L’Noar  has the minimum of a masters degree in a counseling field and will work with a client through the medium of dialogue.  A psychiatrist is a medical doctor with a specialty in psychiatry and is able to prescribe medication.  Because psychiatrists are generally more expensive, they often do mostly medication management and refer to a counselor for the actual therapy.

  1. How do I know if I need therapy?

You don’t have to wait until there is a crisis to ask for help.  In fact, it is more effective if you don’t wait.  You should request outside help when you are experiencing significant tension and anxiety in dealing with normal life situations, when family relationships are strained and hard to manage, or when you are going through a difficult transition period that requires adjustment.

  1. How much does therapy usually cost?   We have a standard fee of 400 NIS that covers the initial 2-session evaluation and assessment. Subsidized Fees are 200NIS per session.   Subsidized fees are available up to 100 sessions per family.

  1. What age ranges do you work with?

We work with ages 10 -99.

  1. What are your cancellation and no-show policies?

We require a 24 hour cancellation notice.  Clients who do not give adequate notice or who are a no-show will be charged their regular session rate.

  1. Do you provide services in schools?

We provide group mentoring in many schools and therapy on a more limited basis.

  1. What can I expect from therapy?

It is difficult to say what any one person can expect from therapy since it is tailored to meet individual needs. Certainly, clients can expect to be heard by a professional who is both competent and compassionate.  Their problems will be taken seriously and together they will explore interventions that will help them realize their unique treatment goals.

  1. What is a counseling session like?

Most therapy sessions involve a dialogue between the therapist and client with the therapist tuning into the feelings and concerns that the client brings to the session.  The therapist may also teach emotional regulation skills that will be practiced in the session.  With younger clients, therapists use games and music to facilitate communication and skill development.

  1. Who will you share my information with?  

By law information shared during sessions is confidential and cannot be shared outside the agency without express permission of the client.  Exceptions are made if there is danger to the client or someone else or if there is reasonable suspicion of abuse.

  1. How long is each session and how many counselling sessions are usually necessary?

Sessions are 50 minutes in length.  The duration of therapy is unique to each client and based on the severity of the issues, the client’s personal goals and his or her motivation to change.  Our average length of therapy is 6 months.

  1. How will you know if counselling has been successful?

Clients will determine for themselves when therapy has been successful.  That usually happens when clients feel they have made enough gains to cope and manage both independently and effectively.

  1. What sort of topics or experiences are suitable for a counselling session?

Any topic that is relevant for the client is suitable to bring to a session!  Examples might include school or work issues, interpersonal relationships, family dynamics, substance use, self-esteem, anxiety, depression, abuse, or difficulties in cognitive functioning.  If the therapist is not skilled in an area that requires specialized intervention, the therapist will refer the client to an appropriate professional.

  1. What if my partner/spouse/child does not want to come to counselling?

It is important that you then get help for yourself given that situation.  Counselling can help one manage in a situation in which others do not want to look at themselves or commit to change.

  1. Q. Does the Counselor take notes from the session?

Counselors generally take notes in the first two evaluation sessions.  After that they may jot down occasional words or phrases to help them remember the session.

  1. Q. Do I have to prepare beforehand for a counselling session?

It is not a requirement to prepare for a session, but it may help to have a focus.  Therapists may give specific “homework” to be completed between sessions which will be unique for each client and will help facilitate the process.

  1. Can I select a male or a female Counselor?

We have a general policy of assigning same gender counselors to clients, unless there is a specific reason not to do so.

  1. What are the different counselling approaches used at Kav L’Noar?

Our therapists come with varied theoretical orientations based on family systems and models of practice.  We attempt to assign clients to the therapist best suited to deal with that client’s issues.

  1. How do I make an appointment?

You make an appointment by calling our office number: 02-622-3039.  One of our counselors will return your call.

  1. How do I cancel or reschedule an appointment?

You cancel an appointment by calling the therapist directly and leaving a message if you are unable to speak to him/her.  Remember to call 24 hours in advance to avoid a fee.

  1. Can I schedule an appointment for my adult child?

Anyone over the age of 18 is required to call to make their own appointment.

  1. What if I have a crisis after-hours?

We are not a crisis clinic and therefore are not available after hours.  If you are having a problem that cannot wait until office hours, we recommend you contact your Kupat Holim or in a more serious emergency, go to the emergency room of the nearest hospital.  If you are already seeing a Kav L’Noar therapist, that therapist will share their cell phone number and policy regarding after hours calls.

For more information or additional questions send an email to: 

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